Coffs Rail Bike Project
Glenreagh Mountain Railway is excited to put forward a new proposal to have the first Rail Bike operations in NSW based on the Coffs Coast Hinterland.
We are seeking Market Feedback and interest from Business Investors to move this project forward to the next stage.
Please watch the information video and complete either the Market Research Form or the Business Investor Form.
These are Google Forms and will require a Google email account to complete.
Rail Track Photos used with permission from Rail Track Tasmania
Training Course for Glenreagh Mountain Railway (GMR) Management Team and Contractors how to use the GMR Safety Management System
Before you start you need to obtain a copy from the Rail Safety Manager the following SMS documents:
GMR MAN 001 Main SMS Manual
GMR SOP 003 Standard Operating Procedure for Track Based Machine Operations
GMR FOR 003 Forms - Track Inspections
GMR STA 001 Permanent Way Maintenance
GMR REG 002 Risk Register
Once you have watched the short video you need to complete the assessment to ensure you have gained the skills to understand how read and use the GMR Safety Management System. You will need to have the above documents infront of you when you complete the assessment.